Friday, January 22, 2010

A lot of things happening in the last week. Haiti, the Supreme Courtthrashing democracy by allowing corporations to give as much as they want to candidates, any time, anywhere, Conan's last Tonight Show, etc.

But first - the War in Heaven. There are a lot of artifacts on earth and on the moon and other planets that speak of a long gone civilization that mysteriously vanished, that was capable of interplanetary travel, and, evidently, of great destruction. We don't know who these beings were - our ancestors? Martians? Life forms from another solar system or dimension? Were they Annunaki, beings from Sirius, reptilians, or what? Something I just found out about, re: evidence of ancient atomic war - Libyan Desert Glass, or LDG, a yellowish green very pure form of fused silicate esisting in large sheets in the Egyptian and Libyan deserts which supposedly could only be created by a thrmonuclear blast!

The Scriptures tell of an angelic being, so beautiful and intelligent he was called Lucifer, the light bearer, son of the morning. He was greatly favored of God. Then something happened. He rebelled. Some say it was because he wanted to be the Savior, and force all to salvation, a violation of free will. Some say he refused to bend his knee to the new creation by God of humans, deigning them to be inferior to him. Others say in his pride he wanted to overthrow the throne of God. Whatever the reason, he incurred God's wrath. A war in heaven ensued, Lucifer took with him (persuaded to follow him) one third of the host of heaven. Michael the archangel lead the armies of God against him, and he and his hosts were defeated and cast down to earth. Michael was one of the four main archangels. The other three were Gabriel, Raphael, and Uriel. In L.D.S. theology, Michael became Adam, the first man, Gabriel later incarnated as Noah. That's the story, at least.

Now there was a group of "fallen angels", the Watchers, or the Grigori. They were very tall, had long "serpentine" faces, penetrating eyes, and long, white, wiry hair. Their skin was described as being either snow white or rose red. They lusted after human women (supposedly because of their beautiful long hair), and came down and "Laid" with them, producing a hybrid race of giants (monsters?) or heros of supernatural strength and talents, etc.

This giant hybrid race was called Nephilim. Evidently, they interbred so thoroughly with the humans hee, that soon the entire race was "infected" with their DNA, which was evidently a very evil thing, since it was 'Unnatural" for angels and human women to mate. This evil spread over the face of the earth, and so God found one man and his family that had somehow maintained a "pure" human line, Noah, and saved him and his family while destroying the rest of the humans and Nephilim by a great Flood. Incidently, there have been huge human-like skeletons found that were 15, 20, even over 30 feet in heigth!

This was supposed to be the end of them, but evidently there were Nephilim even after the flood. A group of Canaanites, the Anakim (sons of Anak) were giants living in the land of Canaan at the time of the Israelite's arrival. Supposedly Goliath, the 9 foot giant David slew, was a member of the Anakim.

Now, how can supposedly spiritual, non-corporeal angels lust after and mate with human women? Logically, they can't. Physical beings can, though. Beings who had been cast out of "heaven" (the solar civilization?), losers in the Great War which resulted in the destruction of the world Mars orbited, and the sterilization of Mars, the blasting of one side of several moons orbiting Saturn and Uranus and Neptune, and the vitrified remains of ancient cities on earth. Perhaps they were prisoners who escaped. According to legend, there were around 200 of them.

Now, since they were lusting after human women, this had to be after our ancestors had been genetically tinkered with, to be handy, moderately intelligent slaves to mine for gold for the Annunaki. So this was probably after the Annunaki departed Earth. Lucifer, the rebel leader who was defeated in the Great War, may have been one of these Grigori who mated with women and polluted the human gene pool. Cast down to Earth, he became known as Satan, the Father of Lies. Another name for him is sometimes Azazel. Shemyaza was the other commander of the rebel angels.

It is a known fact that the ascendency of one religion or civilization over the previous one tends to demonize the gods and heros of the now conquered institutions. This is what happened when Christianity became the dominant religion in the Roman Empire, after Constantine made a shrewd gamble that making it so would solidify and stabilize the far-flung Empire, and his power as well. In doing so, the old Roman and Greek gods were demonized. Eventually, in the Middle Ages, Satan was depicted as having goat-like haunches and split hooves (after Pan, the goat-footed god, from which we get the words panic and pandemonium), a "pitchfork" (actually Neptune's trident), and an arrow-tipped tail (after Eros or Cupid's arrows), and red in color all over (the color of lust and anger).

The losing rebel leader would of course also be demonized as the Devil Incarnate, the Lord of the Flies, Father of Lies, etc. Conversely, the leader of these god-like beings with such almighty power as to split apart planets would become known as God himself (The Roman emperors were worshipped as gods). A Manichean battle of Good vs. Evil, Light against Dark, would ensue for millenia afterwards because of these demonizations and exhaltings. To many, God is not an amorphous entity without parts or passions, regardless of what their religion might tell them. He is an older robed man with a beard, a personal being! Like one of the race who engineered us thousands of years ago, our "creator".

Not everyone venerated Yahweh, the creator god. The Gnostics called him the demiurge, a blind, insane god that was born of Sophia (Wisdom) and fell, and created matter to trap spirit within it forever. Thus the ideas of the Cathars, who felt only spirit was good, and all matter evil, and so the "Parfaits" (the perfected ones) refused to have intercourse to bring about more spirits enslaved in matter, and the more radical of them simply starved themselves to death, because of this principle. By some he is known as Yaldabaoth, by others, Samael or Satanael. To these Gnostics, there is a higher, purer God, more like the Ain Soph of the Qabbalists.

To the Yezedi in the Middle East, God is a glorious being whose care and love for us goes without saying. Therefore he is not worshipped. Instead, they "worship", or rather placate Azazel, the Devil, since he's the one who rules life on Earth and makes this existence Hell for everyone. So they have become vilified as "devil worshippers". (In Islam, Azazil is known as Lord of the Demons, sometimes called Iblis). Other angel worshippers (not necessarily devil worshippers) include the Yeresan and Alevu.

To others, Azazel brought the knowledge of weapons, and war, and cosmetics to humanity, thus making him a heroic Promethean character, worthy of admiration for some. (Prometheus was one of the Titans, who felt sorry for man and gave him the gift of fire, which can both warm man and forge metal, and can burn and destroy. He did this against the strict order of the Gods, who wanted man to remain ignorant and a slave {the Annunaki?}. To punish him, he was chained to a rock, where a giant eagle pecked out his liver everyday, it subsequently growing back every night.)

It is to the Promethean Lucifer, the angel of light who rules the Earth, that the Illuminati or secret ruling elite pay homage to, supposedly, and it is from his influence and instructions to them that they plan to decimate 90% of the human population and rule the remainder under a fascistic, socialist One World government, in the same vein as IngSoc in Orwell's 1984.

What is curious, is that Eden is now thought by some to have been in southwestern Turky, which is where the oldest town and the oldest temple have been unearthed; it is also where the Watchers were said to have alighted and emerged from. I don't know yet if any huge skeletons have been unearthed in that area. But if they have, it would be a very interesting occurence, don't you think?

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