Friday, January 15, 2010

The War in Heaven, continued

So we've seen some interesting things in the outer solar system, some things that have to have been manufactured by Someone or Something, as their existence is impossible to rationalize.

If we look closer in at Mars, we see many artificial constructs, although we don't know what they are or what they're for. In the same general area, we see a few more interesting things.

On the asteroid Eros, in a small crater, lies a shiny rectangular object. We didn't put it there.

The European Space Agency sent a probe to asteroid 2867 Steins. It's curious that they chose this rock to investigate, because it infers a degree of a priori knowledge concerning this asteroid, which, if we believe everything science tells us, is impossible. This little asteroid is shaped like a diamond - yes, just like the faceted one that sits on your ring finger. There are many curious features about it besides that, for a more exhaustive survey of that, go to

For various reasons, Richard Hoagland believes it is hollow and was in fact a type of transport ship. Like Mars, one side is heavily blasted/eroded, and the other side relatively unscathed. Like Mars, the cratered side must have been facing the explosion that destroyed Planet V, yet it must not have been too close to it, or it would have been destroyed, also. I'm sure as other robot expeditions explore the asteroids, more bizarre stuff will be found.

On Earth's moon are many anomalies, on both the "regular" side and on the dark side. Hoagland claims there are shattered glass domes that refract light like glass does. There is a miles - high construct called "the shard" (sorry, no pix clear enough for my taste), and another called "the Castle" which towers perhaps 7 miles above the moon's surface.

There are also some organic looking forms made of what looks like blue glass - perhaps part of Hoagland's structures? There are so many other interesting pix on the internet, I leave it to you to discover them. But there's a lot.

Our ancient literature is full of references of visits by gods and/or extraterrestrials. Zechariah Sitchin has exhaustively surveyed these ancient documents which talk about the Annunaki, a race from a "Planet X" that has an elliptical orbit of, I believe, 3600 years, and is supposed to be headed back our way sometime soon. A lot of astronomers think this is hogwash. There was also a 'fish-like" race from Sirius called the Nommo. Many writers and researchers have speculated that our genes were messed with by these visitors, to provide them with a marginally intelligent and handy race to do their dirty work and mining for them - us, in other words.

In Egypt, the ancients waxed poetic about a distant time they called Zep Tepi, a golden age, where the gods mingled with us and did all kinds of wonderful things. There are some curious hieroglyphs there that certainly seem to show a helicopter, a fighter jet and a hovercraft, like in Star Wars.

In ancient Indian and Hindu scriptures, there are length passages about flying vehicles called vimanas, of vicious wars fought in the skies, of huge explosions they describe that sound suspiciously like atomic bombs.

"Ancient cities whose brick and stone walls have been vitrified, that is, fused together, can be found in India, Ireland, Scotland, France and Turkey and other places. Some say there is no explanation for the vitrifications of stone forts and cities, except from an atomic blast, but others say that vitrified forts arose by an enemy setting fire to a fortification composed of a mixture of big timbers and stones."

"Gurkha flying in his swift and powerful vimana hurled against the three cities of the Vrishnis and Andhakas a single projectile charged with all the power of the Universe. An incandescent column of smoke and fire, as brilliant as ten thousand suns, rose in all its splendour. It was the unknown weapon, the Iron Thunderbolt, a gigantic messenger of death which reduced to ashes the entire race of the Virishnis and Andhakas." (The Mahabharata)

More coming! Stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. That helicopter is amazing . . .

    Did you ever check out the crashed ufo 4km long on the back side of the moon? It's pretty much confirmed as being there, and an amazing story. . .
