Friday, January 1, 2010

Pinocchio synchs

Well, it's been an odd couple of days. I first ran into some articles (I don't remember where) about Pinocchio and his creator and how there was occult symbolism in the story. Then yesterday I read an article about his Italian creator, who was a Mason and incorporated a lot of Masonic symbolism into the tale - basically, a story of the uphill struggle into the light, a story of illumination. (That doesn't mean he was part of the Illuminati, you conspiracy freaks).

Then last night, New Year's Eve, my wife and I were bored and our TV was dead, so we wondered what we could do. I pulled out A.I. and we played it on our computer. I'd totally forgotten that the movie was an updated 21st century adaptation of Pinocchio. William Hurt fills in as the Gepetto figure, Jude Law is the Fox figure, there's even a Pleasure Island (Rouge City). It was a joint Spielberg/Kubrick production, and you can see the influence of the different directors, despite the fact Kubrick died early on in the production. His influence is seen mostly in the Flesh Fair and Rouge City segments, while Spielberg's is especially seen in the cartoonish Dr. Know and the sentimental ending. That ending caused a lot of critics to hate the movie, but it didn't bother me.

The movie ended just two minutes after the New Year/decade. It was all a little spooky. Anyway, I thought it was intresting, how all these diferent sychs of Pinocchio happened at the very end of a lousy dying year and the beginning of a (hopefully) better new one. Happy New Year's everyone!

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