Saturday, December 19, 2009

Back to the Norwegian spiral thing I referred to several blogs back. I was listening to William Henry on Revelations on and was struck by something he said. The moving spiral looked like it could be a wormhole or stargate opening up, and at the end, closing down on itself in a "black hole". He asked if that meant something was emerging from the wormhole, or was something entering it? Good, creepy question.

An interesting factoid: The blue spiral emitted from the main central spiral leapt out in the direction of a HAARP -like installation in Norway just over the hill, an antennae farm. Was that installation in fact creating the spiral, or its projection in the arctic skies - or was the blue outshoot naturally drawn to the antennae farm? Questions, questions.

What about the scientist's claims that it was a misfired Russian rocket spirally out of control? Do you honestly believe the Russians would launch a failure-prone rocket on the eve of Obama's visit to Norway, practically in his lap? And there have been many mishaps with this rocket, and nothing even remotely similar to this has ever happened before. Sounds like the usual disinformation.

To me, it looked like a hypnotic spiral like you see in movies like Vertigo. Were we undergoing a type of mass hypnosis? Seems like a pretty crude method, it we were.

Perhaps this is a more sophisticated variant of a crop circle, projected into the skies. I wonder if the little racing orbs photographed at fields just before they became crop circles could handle the Tromso phenomenon. Seems like an altogether different type of technology at work here. And does anyone believe it is not a technological wonder and just a natural phenomenon? No, I didn't think so.

There are the synchronicities that abound here - Obama being there, Will Smith being there, Obama's cynical defense of war as a good thing, etc. Was this some kind of attempt to celestially annoint Obama as some divine leader? Or a warning about him? Who knows? I wish I did.

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