Thursday, December 17, 2009

Obama the enabler

On my last blog I ranted about Joe Lieberman, and after hours of projectile vomiting, I felt a little better. But then I thought about who was to blame for Joe Lieberman. Barack Obama. Joe dissed him in the election, threw his support for Rebublicans, and Obama forgave him. Joe has been a primadonna at every turn, and Obama has been there at every turn, secretely patting him on the back.

At every critical junction, this supposedly progressive president has thrown the fight in favor of Big Business. Big Pharma and Health Care has won the debate, because that's what Barack wanted all along. There's a reason he hasn't been a forceful voice in this debate - he wants Big Pharma to win. How else to explain his vociferous objection to importing cheaper prescription drugs from Canada? Why else would he not speak out in support of a Medicare buy-in for those 55 to 65? Why wouldn't he give solid support for a public option? Because he made a deal with the devil earlier this year, and the devil is holding him to his promises - unlike the rest of us, who can't get him to honor any promises he made.

So why is Joe Lieberman the most hated man in Congress? Because Obama enabled him. Because they're both on the same side. I don't know what big business promised him, but it must have at least been more than the thirty pieces of silver the Romans paid Judas Iscariot.

To me, it looks like Lieberman and Obama are playing roles assigned to them, playing them with apparent relish, They're both puppets, neither have an original thought in their heads, they are told what to think and what to say by the real people in power, whoever they may be, according to whether you're a right-wing or a left-wing paranoid conspiracy follower. They're best buddies!

I wonder if any real or implied threats of violence keep these clowns from pursuing the right thing and showing they have a conscience. Is it a carrot or a stick which makes Joe and Barack run? I'd sure like to know. There's around three hundred million of us who would like to know - before it gets too late.

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