Tuesday, December 15, 2009

I am disgusted. Truly, truly disguted. The cowardly Dems have caved in once again to Joe Lieberman, a hypocritical, egotistical self-serving asshole if there ever was one. He's certainly enjoying his moment of supreme power these days. Now they've abandoned the Medicare buy-in for people 55-65, cause Joe said it smelled like liberals were excited at it. He was completely for it in September of this year. Now he savors the possibility of filibustering if he doesn't get what he wants. Once upon a time, he railed against the filibuster, saying it gave too much power to one man over the Senate - a power he now apparently relishes. I wonder exactly how much he and Haddassah have earned from Aetna and pharmaceutical firms this year alone. Of course, that wouldn't have anything to do with his recent actions, now would it?

Why do Democrats kowtow to this smug, whiny-voiced denizen of the sewer? Why are all our hopes and dreams for universal health care being held hostage by this megalomaniac? The people of Connecticut should be deeply ashamed and embarrased they re-elected him over Ned Lamont. They say you get the government you deserve. Well, maybe all you jerks in Connecticut deserved him, but the rest of us surely didn't. If you had any pride at all, you'd recall him at the first opportunity.

Democratic senators - shame on you. Especially shame on the "centrists" and blue dogs who have emasculated the public option and cowered before the insane demands of Lieberman, Nelson and any pathetic Republican who stuck his well-financed nose into the whole morass. Shame on your spinelessness of health care, Afghanistan, Wall Street, et al. I know those hundreds of thousands, even millions, of dollars are very precious to you, but the rest of us are starving and dying and freezing our butts off while y'all wallow like hogs at the trough. I'll be bold and declare all of you treasonous. And you know what the penalty for that is. You make me sick - even sicker than Republicans. I think I'll go vist the restroom now. Maybe a good heave will do me good.

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